Friday, September 18, 2020


 the translation of the passage from LE MISERABLE:

So long as there shall exist, by virtue of law and custom, decrees of damnation pronounced by society, artificially creating hells amid the civilization of earth, and adding the element of human fate to divine destiny; so long as the three great problems of the century—the degradation of man through pauperism, the corruption of woman through hunger, the crippling of children through lack of light—are unsolved; so long as social asphyxia is possible in any part of the world;—in other words, and with a still wider significance, so long as ignorance and poverty exist on earth, books of the nature of Les Misérables cannot fail to be of use.  

is basically saying that if their are laws in the world then children and woman won't have to go hungry and they don't the society ca be in peace


 three symbols that I encounter in my life are 2 trapezoids facing each other another is two trapezoids facing away from each other and the last symbol that I encounter in my life is a square. 

two possible meaning of the green light in the great gatsby is telling him to go and take a chance and ask the girl out while he can or else he won't have a chance and another possible meaning fo the green light is possibly the color of money that hasted. 

one way that animals and human are the same is that they both depend on each other to survive 

one way that humans and animals are Completly different is that humans are homo sapiens and animals are from different species. 

it helps change people's perspectives.


 during week one I learned that this course wasn't going to be like a normal English class and I actually learned something in that class and most of the times in really bad at English class so the first week I didn't really learn that much but in this class I actually learned something and I hope that I get to learn more things in the future 

Friday, September 4, 2020

How can arguing and giving up any "right" to our own opinion save our lives, improve our country, and secure the future for the next generation?

How can arguing  and  giving  up  any  "right"  to  our  own  opinion  save  our  lives,  improve  our  country,  and secure the future for the next generation?  that  is  a  trick  question  and  it  made  me  think  about  it  a  lot  but  as  I  got  thinking  I  realized  that  giving  up  any  right  to  my  opinion  is  telling me that  I  have  to  give  up  my  freedom  of  speech .  Then  if  I  argue  they  tell  me  to  be  quiet  because  I  have  no  idea  what  I’m  talking  about  but  if  I  don't  speak  up  then  tell  me  that  I’m  privileged  which  I  agree  that  I  am  kind  of  privileged  because  I  don't  have  to  worry  about  some  things  that others do but that doesn't mean that  I  don't care. 

But then if we start arguing we for what we believe in we are told that we are wrong and that we don’t know what we’re talking about.  And arguing can save our lives and also change the future for the next generation for example what is going on in the world right now with the protests and every else we are trying to change the world for the future generation and they didn’t listen to us when we were arguing so now we are protesting and let us see if now they hear what we have to say.  now and that is making the world a  better place for the kids that are being discriminated against and killed and we are helping avoid that while others are doing nothing about it and this is going to continue to happen again and again. 

Giving  up  the  “right”  to  our  opinion  can  also  save  live  for  example  sometimes  we  tend  to  talk  too  much  and  that  makes  the  whole  situation  worse  but  we  don’t  that,  what  we  said  was  wrong  when  we  are  in  a  heated  situation  we  might  never  know  unless  we  already  said  it  and  the  situation  has  gotten  worse  then  it  started  but  when  we  give  up  the  right  to  our  opinion  that  won’t  happen  because  we  won’t  be  able  to  say  what  we  want  because  we  have  given  up  the  right  to  our  opinion

So I do agree that giving up the right to our opinion and arguing can make a better future for other generation but it can also, make it worse but we might never know unless we try and that’s exactly what I’m going to do what about you are you going to try and chance the future or sit down and say nothing.



I believe the hardest part of starting school during a pandemic is having to learn over the computer. 

2. What have you enjoyed the most about starting school during the pandemic? 

what I have enjoyed having school during a pandemic is that I get to spend more time with my family.

 3. What are your goals in this course this year? What do you want to learn or get better at?

my goal this year is to be able to use better vocabulary for my essays.

4. What's one habit you can start, stop, or improve to support your success?
a habit that I can stop doing to improve my success is to stop getting distracted easily.

 5. What grade do you expect to earn on the semester report card?
a grade that i expect to earn on this semester is at least a B.

literature analysis

 the novel was about this man and his son that were serial kidnappers and they kidnapped girls together and the father, later on, included h...